Full T3, ~6M POWER, SH15, LVL 46 VIP 9/ (almost 10) + 4 FARMS + 27974 GOLD

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 2/12/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hi, I've decided to stop playing cause it's taking up to much of my time. I am the original creator of this account and i have all sec. answeres + emails. And i'm sure someone can have great fun with this account! What i have to offer is 1 Main + 4 Farms to support and gain rss quickly. 1x Main = VIP lvl 9 (almost 10, streak 117 days) Hero LVL: 46 3x Farms = VIP lvl 8 (3X Hero LVL: 39) 1x Farm = VIP lvl 7 (Hero LVL: 25 almost 26) + 27974 Combined gold $ 200 i accept payment trough paypal. [img link=]postimg.org/image/y38ycfvbd/[/img]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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