Full 10.5/10.5 in 3 sets

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Full 10.5/10.5 in 3 sets, tanking healing and dps gear.

    Have full epic signets except 2 tank majors.

    2x Purple violence, 1x Purple Vigour, 3x Purple Ameliorations.

    3x purple harmonies, 3x purple storms, 1x purple fury, 1x purple abuse, 1x purple laceration, 1x purple benediction, 1x purple temperance, ect ect ect.

    all purple signets in aux weapons aswell.

    250mil pax, lots of signets + assorted end-game items.

    Legendary "Third Core Capacitor" raid drop, only few exist.

    by far one of the best, if not the best account in the game.

    have lots of other stuff respond if you want me to go into detail.

    600$ obo.


    Sent you a PM. Lemme know
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