Sold FT - Tapus/UBs RNG LF - Event offers!

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/SonicBlader, 3/3/17.

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  1. /u/SonicBlader

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    [trade] Hello!

    DISCLOSURE - I will be using NTR based tools to RNG the pokemon. This is allowed as long as I give a full disclosure.

    I finally managed to learn how to RNG! Today I will be offering you Tapus & UBs. I will RNG them to the IV spread you request & I can nickname them. I can do Hidden Powers too! They will have OT - Sonic & ID - 501437. All of them will be self-caught by me.

    I have not caught any Tapus yet. I think I have caught the first UB Nihilego but I am not too sure, need to check that. But other than that, all other UBs are out in the wild to be captured!

    I am looking for CoroCoro Charizard code reservation, Shiny Tapu Koko reservation, Saori's Machamp & other interesting event offers. I am especially interested in savefiles with unredeemed events (Gen 6/7). Please no Shinies!

    Thank you!

    # #/SonicBlader
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