Sold [FT]Korean league shiny Tapu Koko, Corozard code, PC Easter egg, PC bdays [LF]PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Itokichi, 3/28/17.

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  1. /u/Itokichi

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    [svirtual] All my offers are self-obtained.

    Korean league shiny Tapu Koko - $40

    Shiny Tapu Koko codes - $2

    Corocoro Charizard code - $8

    PC easter eggs(random) - $10

    PC birthday mons - $50 each

    Please specify date, language, and nature.

    Will provide Video proof with both our name like this.

    I will not accept savefile exchanges. It seems to be allowed here, but I think it's a kind of hacking. Don't offer plz.


    I'm not active on Reddit lately and have got a lot of notifications. If there is someone who haven't got reply from me, please let me know. I might have missed your massage.

    If you want, I can buy a cart and hold it for Japanese/Korean inlife events.

    Please let me if you are interested.


    # #/Itokichi
    # .
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