Sold [FS] Starter Accounts, 100+ SSR, holding spark(s)

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/fushida, 8/1/21.

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  1. /u/fushida

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    PM me for offers, screenshots, and/or more information
    Discord: fushida#7759
    Reddit: #/fushida

    Click here to see all accounts

    All accounts are fresh Rank 1, with Start Dash available and typically during Premium Gala. Overall, most accounts have close to 2 full sparks ready to go. Prices and offers will account for that.

    Most accounts will have the following in addition to what is listed to on this sheet. I will confirm with you in screenshots the exact contents of each account should you be interested.
    * 3 Gold Bars
    * 10 Damascus Ingots
    * 5 Sunlight Stones
    * 1 10x Ticket
    * 60+ 1x Tickets
    * 4 SSR Tickets
    * 10+ SR/SSR Tickets
    * 6th Birthday Weapon Ticket

    Payment will be accepted via Paypal through Family & Friends only. Not looking for trades.
    I will not go first, but if you want to go through a middleman on Discord I'd be happy to oblige - any fees will be your responsibility.

    References #1
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    # #/fushida
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