Sold FS: Shiny RNG abused Legends from my HeartGold cartridge | LF: Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Porta_14, 1/21/17.

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  1. /u/Porta_14

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    [svirtual] Hello everyone, looking to sale some available Legends inside my HeartGold cart. It was RNG abused for a dual shiny spread (5 IV Bold/Timid). Some of these Legends were already RNG´d but kept UT, while some are still waiting to be RNG´d. Here is the list of available Legends:

    RNG abused/abusable Legends:

    • Latias (Done, roaming in Kanto. Can be caught on any ball of your choice): $5 [Reserved for #/tyrion_asclepius]
    • Zapdos: $5* [Reserved for #/The_TallaNasty]
    • Moltres: $5* [Reserved for #/Xetzu]
    • Raikou: $5* [Reserved for #/The_TallaNasty]
    • Giratina (Done: Obtained from Sinjoh Ruins w/Injected MICHINA Arceus. Allowed in pokemontrades but with disclosure): $4 [Reserved for #/tyrion_asclepius]
    • Lugia: $5* [Reserved for #/NPBrot]
    • Mewtwo: $5
    • Ho-oh: $3 (Adamant nature | No IVs, only Shiny) [Reserved for #/NPBrot]
    • Shiny 5 IV Timid Ditto: $3 (Can be catched in any ball of your choice. Bold was claimed for myself).

    Note *: These prices are used, assuming that the Legends above will be RNG abused Shiny with any of these spreads (Bold: | Timid:

    My Game details:

    Notes: All of these Pokemon were/will be RNG abused in emulator. Latias can be captured on retail. NOT LOOKING into doing custom runs at the moment, due to work. I am not selling my Heart Gold cart. Please cover Paypal fees (International)

    My Exchange Reference My FlairHQ

    # #/Porta_14
    # .
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