Sold [FS] Rank 300 Blue Skin Account LF Paypal

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/GranblueUnheil, 5/1/21.

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  1. /u/GranblueUnheil

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    Price: $1800 USD (#)Payment Method: PreferablyPaypal Discord ID : IXA#4456

    Quick InfoRank 300, Blue Skin, All Zodiacs, 4 Primal grids with (2 superlatives), Active Account

    General info about my account I have been playing the game for more than three years and have spent around 7k usd on this account (not much luck with gacha). I still do dailies such as 6-Dragon raids and GB raids but I am tired and since my friends have lost interest in this game, I decided to make this post with hope that someone can take my place so I can move on and enjoy other games. I will continue to play with this account and do dailies/sandbox until a new owner is found.

    This account is clean, as I have never used any bots, macros or third party tools to play the game. I have collected most farmable weapons (many # weapons in storage too) to build grids for every element including ulb opus and astral, and with what I have currently you will have no problem with any gw. I also have all zodiacs, many character skins and some useful unused items. I will post some screenshots below to provide more detail for people interested in purchasing my account:

    (There are more weapons/summons in storage & crate that i haven’t touched, feel free to ask if i have things you need including core characters)

    If you have any questions and would like more info on this account, please don’t hesitate to message me on discord (ID: IXA#4456) [send friend request if we are not in the same server so we can communicate]Thanks for reading my post and I hope you have a great day.

    # #/GranblueUnheil
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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