Selling Fro acc.(ragnarok europe) "Retirement account or items" for sale

Discussion in 'Ragnarok Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ltpowell, 4/19/16.

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  1. Ltpowell

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    Retirement Account. It's very clean and owned by the first original user who is myself.... You are welcome to ask any questions regarding the account on skype. Payment is only through Paypal. As you notice, All priced items, chars are open for sale seperately or you can buy the Account itself, with all the benefits mentioned below:

    Account+all items Sale Price: 330eu

    item prices:

    +9 hoa of caster (kathryne Keyron Card) 50 eu
    +9 immune Bravery Bag (raydric card) 40 eu
    +9 Triple Kingbird Red Twin Edge of nacht Sieger 25 eu
    +7 Valkyrja's Shield of Royal Guard (alice card) 25 eu
    +7 Unfrozen Aebecee's Raging Tycoon (Wind Elemental Armor/Marc Card) 30 eu
    Cauda Demonica 30 eu
    Cauda Demonica Under a Cast 30 eu
    Ancient Shield of Aeon Clean 25 eu

    Alice Card 15 eu
    Abysmal Card 15 eu

    Account Features:
    Magic Carpet (lvl 2 teleport) Acc. Bound item
    Pollution Black Devil Mask (dark pinguicula card) Acc. Bound item
    400 Mora coins
    20k invest tickets
    All Elemental Armors for Mvping
    All %30 Racial Damage Reduction Shields
    in Total 5B+ zenny worth of Valuable items which sell very fast; Costumes, He oridecons etc.
    650 Karats in ishop

    150/50 Mvp/Woe Build Genetic with a level 136 Sera Homun. 80 Eu

    120/27 Minstrel
    94/45 Priest
    50/45 Soul Linker
    75/30 Sage
    2ea Level 60 swordsman (made for daily fishinig event event)

    p.s: For Pricing the items: 100 karats=25m zenny= 1 euro, Also please consider that prices are getting higher you can see 100 karat:30m chatrooms in prontera
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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