Sold Fresh Starter 10 stars UL Majin vegeta, 8 stars UL SSJ2 Gohan,11kk CC, Story unclear, 22 LL

Discussion in 'Dragon Ball Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell DB Account' started by MusaShi99, 11/15/24.

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  1. MusaShi99

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    My Location:
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    Selling this starter account with 10 stars SSJ2 Ultra majin Vegeta and 8 stars SSJ2 Ultra Teen Gohan as well as 22 LL and all the Daima units as of today (15-11-2024)
    Many ressources 11k CC (missions untouched and solo cleared to part 7 and only the normal difficulty but no missions claimed at all so there could be like 25-30k cc to claim at once and more)
    Price is 45$ it's a steal (we can negotiat e) !
    Payment through paypal f&f or trusted middleman
    Dm me on discord Sabu_99 for questions
    SC1.png SC2.png SC3.png SC4.png SC5.png SC6.png SC7.png SC8.png SC9.png SC10.png SC11.png SC12.png
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