Free Skype Worldwide (Unlimited and Forever)

Discussion in 'Marketing Other Services For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by wetakekills, 10/29/16.

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  1. wetakekills

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    Free Skype Worldwide Tutorial

    Here are the list of calls available:
    Call landlines and mobiles in: Canada, China, Guam, Hong Kong SAR, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Thailand, United States.

    Call landlines only in: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia (Jakarta), Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, Venezuela.

    Source: Skype
    What is this for?
    It could be used for many reasons. Calling customer support, calling your friends, etc. I was contemplating if I should sell this method but I realised, it's ******* simple and anyone with a brain can do it, so why not share it around. Yes, I found this method myself and no, it's not a big deal.

    Things to take note before trying:
    - Your number will appear as Unknown Number
    - I'm not liable on how you use it
    - Solely for education purposes ;)

    1) Go to Skype and click on Sign up.

    2) You will see this page below, click on Use your email instead.

    3) Go to, your temporary email or you can use your gmail/hotmail. Doesn't matter.

    4) Fill up all necessary details and sign up.

    5) Go to the Skype Worldwide Trial, and Get Your Free Month.

    6) Fill up details, until you see Check out page.

    7) Check out via PayPal, and login to your paypal. (They will not charge anything to your Paypal)
    ** That means, you can create a unverified PayPal account and do this **

    8) Congratulations, you've gotten yourself a free month of Skype Worldwide.

    Login to your PayPal, remove Skype from recurring payment.

    10) After 1 month, create a new Skype ID and repeat again.

    If possible, please leave a +thanks or +rep if I've helped you. Any issues or questions, hook me up on PM or Skype. I'll try my best to help. Good luck guys.
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