Sold [Free] Low Tier Sticker/Float Swaps! Can't let these 0.07x/0.15x/0.99x skins, some with...

Discussion in 'CSGO Items for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Items' started by /u/toufusoup, 1/21/17.

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  1. /u/toufusoup

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    Heyo! Doing some morning bot sniping, but I'd rather have people take these floats first.

    NOT A #. THIS IS A SWAP. If it doesn't say "SWAPPED," It's Still There!

    Here's what's up for grabs.

    Gun and its Skin Float Swapped?
    MW P2000 Red FragCam 0.071 Not Yet!
    FT CZ75-Auto Crimson Web 0.161 Not Yet!
    BS MAC-10 Carnivore 0.994 SWAPPED.
    FT XM1014 Red Python 0.151 Not Yet!
    MW Dual Berettas Panther 0.077 Not Yet!
    MW MP9 Deadly Poison 0.080 SWAPPED.
    BS Desert Eagle Naga 0.991 Not Yet!

    Gun and its Skin Stickers Float Swapped?
    MW Glock-18 Candy Apple Team Kinguin Cologne 2015, Team Kinguin Cologne 2015, fox (Foil) Cologne 2015, rain Cologne 2015 0.074 SWAPPED.
    BS AWP Safari Mesh WorldEdit Cologne 2016, Flipsid3 Tactics Cologne 2016, MLG (Holo) MLG Columbus 2016 0.687 SWAPPED.
    If you've got a valid skin to swap, then what're you waiting for? Swap it with me here!

    Happy Weekend! Now, if my love you can sell so I can fund a birthday gift...

    Edit: Swaps work as in if you have a 0.14 MW P2000 Red FragCam and you want my 0.07 one. They must be in the same condition.

    lol wtf who downvotes this stuff

    # #/toufusoup
    . .
    #1 /u/toufusoup, 1/21/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/21/24
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