Selling Free boosting for 2500 sr or below by a grandmaster player

Discussion in 'Overwatch Boosting for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by danieldierks, 10/12/17.

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  1. danieldierks

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    If you have an account you would like to lend me, reach me at Eyyo#21790
    Things i would do: Play competitive and try my best (your sr will most likely increase) and change your sensitivty, crosshair and hero options to the ones i am using. I dont see myself touching anything else, if any questions add me with the battletag above. I offer playing on all servers but preferable EU, NA and least asia (in that order). Dont expect anything other than an increase in sr over time. I have a busy schedule so i cant guarantee how much i would/want to play. Im also open for duo queueing if you lend me an account that can play with yours.
    Cheers ~
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