Buying  Founder Account with Lifetime subscriptions + extras

Discussion in 'LOTRO Lords of the Rings Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Widuking1978, 5/8/20.

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  1. Widuking1978

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    I am looking for a very well maintained Founder Account with Lifetime subscriptions. With well maintained i mean many pre-orders and purchases (at least until Helm´s Deep). Alpha and Beta tests are very welcome. Not important are gold, characters, PVP-Gear etc. because i want to restart the game from the beginning on a EU Server.

    I looked at different accounts and copy them together for the picture. Something like the picture is an account i am looking for. Not all of the stuff i am looking for is showing in the Account information, you also have to /reclaim all extras to see the releases that are bound at the account!

    -Founder Account with Lifetime subscriptions (Sign Up Date before April 2007)


    at least one of the PreOrders

    -Shadows of Angmar PreOrder EU (Ring of Agility and Enchanted Cloak of Regeneration) and/or

    -Shadows of Angmar PreOrder EBGames/GameStop US (Peacekeeper Cloak) and/or

    -Shadows of Angmar PreOrder Fry´s (Wayfarer´s cloak) and/or

    -Shadows of Angmar Best Buy (Cloak of Umokh)


    Shadows of Angmar Promo Digital Spy (The Guiding Star)


    -Shadows of Angmar Special US (The Glass of Aglarel) and/or

    -Shadows of Angmar Special EU (Cloak of the Peacekeeper)


    -Mines of Moria Pre-Order (Hauberk of the Mithril Guard & Deep Miner´s Helm)

    -Mines of Moria Beta (Ranger´s Cloak)

    -Mines of Moria Special (Cloak of the Sunset, Cloak of Durin´s Crown)

    -Mines of Moria Title Special (Title "Moria Expeditionary")

    -Mines of Moira Promo GamesRadar (Cloak of the Dark Halls)


    -2009 Anniversary Program Reward


    -Shared Storage (=Adventure Pack)


    -Extra Character Slot (=Adventure Pack)


    -Extra Character Slot (=Adventure Pack)


    Siege of Mirkwood PreOrder (Harbinger’s Cloak, Dusky Nimblefoot Goat mount)


    Siege of Mirkwood Special Edition (Adventurer's Pack)


    Rise of Isengard PreOrder (Title: Guard of the Isen, Derudh´s Stone)


    Rise of Isengard Legendary Edition (Red-clad Steed of the Gap, Cloak of the Helmingas & Armour of the Helmingas, Green-clad Steed of the Gap, Cloak of the Eorlingas & Armour of the Eorlingas, White-clad Steed of the Gap, Cloak of the Westfold & Armour of the Westfold)


    Riders of Rohan PreOrder (Rohan Elite Guard Statted Cloak, Rohirrim Soldier on Landscape Appearance, The Outrider´s Token)


    Riders of Rohan Legendary Edition (Steed of Eastemnet, Armour of Eastemnet, Title: Friend of the Mark, 6th Inventory Bag, Crystal of Remembrance, Exclusive Rohan Content)


    Helm´s Deep PreOrder (Token of the Hornburg, Steed of the Hammerhand, Shield of the Hammerhand, Exclusive Rohan Mount Bundle)


    Helm´s Deep Legendary (Enforcer of Helm, Avenger of Helm, Hauberk of the Eastement, Armour of the Hammerhand, Crystal of Remembrance, Armour of the Eastemnet, Star-lit Crysta, Relic Removal Scroll)

    Extras on the account like packages are very welcome, too:

    -Loot Bag (Bree’s Horse+Agility Ring+Ranger Cloak+Imladris’s Travel Loaves+Scented candles+Lucky Horseshoe+Durin’s Crown Cape+5 acid resistance potions+Poisonous dormouse+Ore Extractor Helmet)

    -Shadows of Angmar Collector´s Edition (Cloak of Easeful Though)

    -Samwise Gamgee´s Starter Pack (Bay Steed & Riding Skill, 4th Inventory Bag, Currency Cap)

    -Steely Dawn Starter Pack (Steely Dawn Cosmetic Armor Set, Evendim Quest Pack)

    #1 Widuking1978, 5/8/20
    Last edited: 5/8/20
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