FORTNITE - SAVE THE WORLD - Founder's Pack Deluxe Edition

Discussion in 'Fortnite Other Accounts | FN Accounts Sale' started by /u/ZachTechBitMan, 12/26/24 at 7:14 AM.

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  1. /u/ZachTechBitMan

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    You will be able to earn at least 80 V-Bucks daily!

    You can see my full STW profile here:ロBox

    It contains cosmetics worth multiple times the price.

    If you buy it through Ebay it will cost you 380€ due to the marketplace commission.

    If the sale is done directly between us it will cost you 300€ but you have to go first because lately I am tired of dealing with scammers and no one managed to steal my account. So if you are one of them let's not waste our time.

    # #/ZachTechBitMan
    # .
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