Trading  Fortnite Black Knight and Mako for CSGO Gloves

Discussion in 'CSGO Skins for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Skins' started by PrankByte, 5/9/19.

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  1. PrankByte

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    Hello and thank you for visiting this page! I have a Fortnite account with a few rare skins on it that I'd like to trade for some CSGO skins. Now, I'm sure many of you would like to know more about the account and why it's being traded so you can be assured of not being scammed. To begin, I have played Fortnite for quite some time now, well over a year and it has helped me build many friendships not just with people I know personally, but also with people on the internet who share my same interests. Over time, I have acquired a few rare skins (which I am sure is the part you're here for) and I have to say they are quite appealing to the eye. (I have not played as much during some seasons so you will find in the video provided that there will be some season skins missing. Not to worry though, there are still many skins from which to choose from and use and show off to your friends.) As of recently, the game has become much less appealing to me than it used to be so I would like to give others the chance to enjoy the account as I once did. As you will see in the video, it has the original Mako glider from season 1, a complete season 2 battle pass and 25+ skins from the store and other seasons. While it is not entirely relevant, I am obliged to tell you that this account has been purchased before. I have full ownership of the account meaning there is no risk of it being stolen. In return for this account, I am requesting CSGO skins (preferably gloves). The superconductor glove has currently caught my eye however I am sure with some negotiations this account can be traded for other items equivalent to about $300 (plus or minus some) which is about the account's worth. Again, some things can be negotiated. Unfortunately, there will be no email provided with this account but the password can be changed at your discretion. This account is primarily for PC - it has been linked to a PS4 and Switch account which cannot be changed. If you would like any further information or are interested in trading, please direct message me by clicking on my profile. Cheers.

    Video Link:

    Notice: I will not go first in a transaction and any or all trades that you offer to me can be rejected. This is done without a Middleman so send skins at your discretion. If you would like a middleman, we can see about setting it up.
    #1 PrankByte, 5/9/19
    Last edited: 5/9/19
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