Selling  Average  XBox One  1-24 Hours Fortnite - 13,500 , 27,000 or more V - Bucks xbox

Discussion in 'Fortnite Items / Materials / Traps / Weapons - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Jonathan Lozada, 12/3/21.

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  1. Jonathan Lozada

    Jonathan Lozada
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    My Location:
    1.- Directly (Paypal and Payonner payment methods)

    2.- Through my online store (the safest way [​IMG] ) Accept most payment methods

    contact me on my discord


    13,500 PBUCKS $ 25.0000
    27,000 PBUCKS $ 50.00
    40,500 PBUCKS $ 75.00
    54,000 PBUCKS $ 100.00
    67,500 PBUCKS $ 125.00

    Bucks in your account we need your xbox account details to do this In case you do not have an xbox account linked to your epic account, we will link one for you and with that you will have the bucks in xbox
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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