Android and iOS Forgotten Realm.. /Cita 24/ ..8Mil Power../ Vip7.. / Hero LvL38../1,008,799Gold../ton's Rss

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XV FFXV - A New Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Licia_chan, 11/27/17.

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  1. Licia_chan

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    My Location:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    - Citadel Lvl: 23 (wil be upgraded to lvl 24 in 4 days and 5hrs)
    - VIP Level: 7
    - Noctis Lvl: 38
    - Guild NR1 in Realm, Gift Level 8
    - Guild Power: 1,572,253,803
    - Troops (T2 and T3) Power Total: 8,029,422
    - T3 Traps
    - kills: 3,730,530

    Permanent boosts:
    - 50% Research Stone Cost Reduction
    - 50% Research Coin Cost Reduction
    - 50% Research Lead Cost Reduction
    - T2 Resource Production Doubler
    - 50% Research Energy Cost Reduction
    - 50% Research Food Cost Reduction
    - T1 Resourse Production Doubler
    - 50% Research Granite Cost Reduction
    - 100% Loyalty Bonus
    - T1 Resourse Production Capacity Doubler
    - 50% Research Essence Cost Reduction
    - 50% Research Metal Cost Reduction
    - T2 Resourse Production Capacity Doubler
    - 50% Research Tier 2 Ressource Cost Reduction
    - 50% Research Gil Cost Reduction
    - 50% Contruction Tier 2 Resource Cost Reduction
    - 50% Contruction Tier 1 Resource Cost Reduction
    - Noctus hero Exp Doubler
    - 50% Contriction Time Cost Reduction
    - T1 Resource Gathering Speed Doubler
    - 50% Research Weat Cost Reduction
    - 50% Construction Tier 1 Resource Cost Reduction

    And comes with 4 Farms, Stone..,Metal..,Food..,Energy

    Will Continue upgrading untill sold
    Sale will be through middle man

    Whatsapp or Line available for detailed info on the account... Please write me a PM and I’ll tell you my ID
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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