Selling   High End  Original Owner (Yes) Forge of empires. Elite account. SAT. Noarsil en13. Price: Best offer

Discussion in 'Forge of Empires Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Milan78, 11/21/24.

  1. Milan78

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    I'm selling elite account with 3 cities ( SAT era city in Noarsil, VF era city in Brisgard and SAAB era city in Dinegu world) as of 21.11. 2024. If something I listed isn't on the picture, it's in the inventory and vice versa
    1st city: Space Age Titan. Noarsil en13 world. 1.7+billion points, Research completed. SAT map completed, ½ SASH map.130 G+ coins, 31 G+ supplies, 190M+ medals, Castle system lvl.13, city produces 2500+ forge points/day and 2K+ goods/day, 40 000 fps in inventory. 1.3+M Tavern silver, 7+M trade coins, 75K+ Rogues, 20K+ SAT units. 500 000+ SAT goods in inventory, 51K + Diamonds. MAKE ANY OFFER YOU WANT

    Alcatraz 100/500, Temple of Relics 100/500, Arc 100/500, Chateau Frontenac 100/500, Cathedral of Aachen 100/500, Castel del Monte 100/500, Statue of Zeus 100/500, Blue galaxy 100/500,Kraken 100/500, Terracotta Army 100/500, Himeji Castle 100/500, Space Carrier 100/500, Flying Island 100/220, AI Core 100/500, Observatory 100/500, Atomium 100/200, Arctic Orangery 100/500, Hydra 47/50, Centaurus 55/60, Pegasus 46/50
    Attack units: 4621 % attack, defense: 4196 %
    Defense units: 3376% attack, 3245% defense
    Event buildings:
    Sun Temple lvl 9, Celestial Golden Orerry, 7x Eagle Mountain, The Crow's nest lvl.8, Phantom Abandoned Asylum, Azure Athlon Abbey, 2x Animal Crossing lvl.9, 2x Wisteria Windmill lvl.8, 2x Mythical manor, 4x Legendary Lodge, Royal bathhouse lvl.6, Shinto temple lvl.9, 3xArchdruid hut, 2x Sacred Archdruid hut, 4x Viceroy's Villa, 2x Pirate's Hideout lvl.9, Ygdrassil lvl.8, 9x Buccaneer's Bay, 2xDeadman's boathouse, Ted's Blissful Choc, Ketebo candy Delights, 2x Vibrant Autumn Vineyard, Panda Shrine, 4x Sunhaven Palace, 9x Cartographer's house, 2x Aegean couples resort, 2x Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid, Tower of Champions lvl.1,Royal Tower of Champions lvl.1, Wyverntide spire of victory lvl.1, 5x Thundering laboratory of monstrosities, 3x Phantom tower of conjunction, Apothecary of the higlands lvl.2, 2x Vywerntide smithy lvl.1, Serene Flamingo Habitat , 4x Mystic celtic tavern, Hut of Sacred instruments lvl. 5, 2x Crimson dragon’s breath, Neo botanical rotunda lvl.2, Neo collossus lvl.10, 2x Neo collossus lvl.9, 2x Thunderdrake citadel lvl.1, Glimmdrake riders lvl.2, Glimdrake tower lvl.1, 2x Thunderdrake siege shop lvl.1, Orchard of orange dreams, 2x Arcane Tarot Card Caravans , Arcadian Whisperwood watermill, Eerie nightmare coaster, Eerie terror coaster, Yaga’s roost, Witch’s Brew ride, Timeless junction, Enchanted elixir’s emporium, Harvest squrell hall lvl.9, 18x jumpin pumpkin, Zephy’s fusion drinks lvl.1, 6x feta farm, 5x Aligator swamp
    Inventory: 99x GB Statue kit, 25x Road to Victory, 84x Fountain of youth, Santa's Workshop, 238x Ritual Flame, 83x GE 2 kit, 58x Wishing Well, 61x Terrace Farm lvl.1, 13x Terrace Farm lvl.2, 92x GE 4 kit, 38x Spoils of war selection kit, 15x Iridescent garden, Santa's workshop, 31x Rogue hideout and den, Golden Crops lvl. 7, 20x Fountain of youth shrink kit, Ritual Flame upgrade kit, 4x Rogue hideout shrink kit, Timeless dojo lvl.4, Bazaar, 83x Statue of Honor Selection kit, Winter spire lvl.8, 3x Parlor car, 6x Epic anniversary sel. kit, 5x Dining car, 656x Buccaneer's bounty, 583x Dead Man’s bounty, 9x Wishing well shrink kit, Pergola lvl.1, 6x Nutcracker Guardhouse, Black Tower, Harvest barn lvl.4, 3x Red Seaweed bar, Knight's pavillion,2x Checkmate square, Horror circus lvl.2, Mad scientist's lab, 18x Great Elephant sel. kit, Horror circus lvl.2, Mad scientist's lab, 3x Pirate ship, Winner's plaza lvl.2, 264x One up kit, 142x Reno kit, 2x Flower maidens, Butterfly House lvl.5 (incomplete set), 3x Suishun Mill lvl.9, Mikawa Bridge, 14x Tourney Grounds Active, Winter wonderland pyramid lvl.8, Harvest barn set lvl 4, 2x Golden crops lvl.9, 2x Colorful Mill of Fall, 5x Statue of honor lvl.8, Hippodrome lvl.6, Colossus lvl.10, Metro station lvl.9, Timeless dojo lvl.5, Pergola lvl.10, 4x Winter Wonder Retreat sel.kit, 2x Cider garden, 2x Olympic treasury lvl.10, 3x Fiore village lvl.10, 6x Great elephant lvl.8, 2x The Charcoal Express, 2x Abandoned asylum lvl.9, 5x Mediterranean memories sel.kit, 15x Feta farm, 18x Pagan harvest sel.kit, Royal Oink sel.kit, 3x Rune garden, 5x Vagabond library, Great wheel, Wonder Wheel, 3x Golden goal gyros, Terracotta Vineyard lvl.8, 2x The Crow's nest lvl.8, Vibrant Sunflower Oil Press, 4x Sailmaker’s studio, Whisperwood watermill lvl.6, Festive canal, Rogue hideout x3, 2x Celtic farmstead lvl. 10, 2x Druid Temple lvl.10, Hedge Maze, 5x House of the Wolf, 6x Monster Wares Terror's Boutique , Celestial Stage of ages, Urban Metro Plaza, Neo winners plaza lvl.1, Enchanted elixir’s emporium, Ascendant grove sanctuary lvl.4, Grape stompin festival lvl.1, 10x Stage of ages sel. Kit, 7x Forgotten temple Active, 5x Joker’s malevolent spin, Eerie Thrill Coaster lvl.3, 5x Jolly Oink pigsty, 22x Abandoned asylum sel.kit, Celtic tavern lvl.5, various other selection kits and goodies

    2nd city:
    Brisgard-Virtual Future, esearch completed, SAAB map 1/2, 18+G Coins, 4+G supplies, 210+M points, 30+M medals, Castle system lvl.11, 130+K tavern silver, 4M+ trade coins, 22K+Rogues, 14K+ VF units, 1300 +fps/day and 2000+goods/day, 14000 fps in inventory, 800K+ mostly VF/OF era goods in inventory,
    HC 70/100, CoA 91/100, CF 78/113, Obs 100/100, Traz 76/110, Arc 81/110, ToR 100/100, SoZ 100/106, CDM 80/100, TA 69/100, Space carrier 61/100, AI Core 66/100, AO 62/100, BG 70/100, Hydra 10/10, Kraken 70/100, FI 61/62, Pegasus 10/10, Centaurus 10/10. Additional prints for other GB’s including Cosmic catalyst, Centaurus and Pegasus are available.
    Attack units: 2670 % attack, Defense: 2369%
    Defense units: 1888% attack, 1919% defense
    Event buildings:
    Ygdrassil lvl.9, 6x Eagle mountain, Governor's villa lvl.9, 3x Viceroy’s villa, Animal crossing lvl.9, Panda shrine, 2x Phantom tower of conjunction, Thundering Laboratory of monstrosities,2x Laboratory of monstrosities lvl.8, 2x Celestial Stage of ages, 2x Legendary lodge, 9x Buccaneer's bay, 2x Sunhaven Palace,3x Aegean Couples resort , Wisteria Windmill, Azure Athlon Abbey, 2x Mythical manor, 2x Legendary lodge, , 2x Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid, 4x Archdruid Hut, 2x Druid Hut lvl.9, Sacred Archdruid Hut, Vibrant Autumn Vineyard, 7x Feta Farm, 8x Cartographer’s house, Capy's winter holiday spa, 2x Mystic celtic tavern, Serene flamingo Habitat , Apothecary of the Highlands lvl.1, 2x Neo Collossus lvl.9, ,Sailmakers studio, Thunderdrake citadel lvl.1, Wyverntide spire of victory lvl.1, Glimdrake tower lvl.1, Eerie thrill coaster lvl.8, Eerie abandoned asylum, 2x Arcane tarot card caravans, Orchard of orange dreams, Crimson Dragon’s breath, Glimdrake riders lvl.1, Shinto temple lvl.8, 10x jumpin pumpkin
    Inventory: Dragon’s breath lvl.9, 6x Trading Post selection kit, 51x One up kit, 33x Reno. Kit, 8x Winter wonderland pyramid sel. Kit, 20x Cider garden, Last province, 4x Iridescent garden, 6x Road to victory, 11x Wishing well, 9x Rogue hideout, 19x Ritual flame, 2x Fiore village lvl.10, Pergola lvl.10, 5x Terrace farm lvl.2, 2x Statue of Honor lvl.8, Celtic farmstead lvl.10, 7x Hideout reach sel.kit, Sailmakers studio,Harvest squirell hall lvl.8, 15x Mediterranean memmories sel.kit, 7x Feta farm, 3x Golden goal gyros, 12x knights pavillion, Royal Oink sel.kit, 3x Vagabond library, Neo Collossus lvl.5, Metro Station lvl.9, Urban Metro plaza, Vibrant Sunflower Oil Press, 2x Sunhaven palace, many other kits and goodies.

    3rd city:
    Dinegu-Space Age Asteroid Belt, research completed, SAJM map 1/2, 34+G Coins, 5+G supplies, 30+M medals, 300+M points, 26K+Rogues, 17K+ SAAB units, Castle system lvl. 11, 1300+ fps/day and 1500+goods/day, 15 000 fps in inventory
    HC 81/89, CoA 100/100, TA 83/100, Obs 100/100, Traz 77/100, Arc 81/105, ToR 100/100, SoZ 100/100, CDM 90/100, CF 81/100, SC 77/100, AI core 73/89, FI 71/74, Hydra 10/10, Pegasus 10/10, Centaurus 10/10. Additional prints for Centaurus, Pegasus, Stellar Warship, Cosmic catalyst and other buildings available in inventory.
    Attack units: 2770 % attack, Defense: 2589%
    Defense units: 1969% attack, 1613% defense
    Event buildings:
    Ygdrassil lvl.9, 4x Archdruid Hut, Sacred Archdruid hut, Panda Shrine, 8x Eagle mountain, Bear mountain, 2x Phantom tower of conjunction , 2x Legendary Lodge, 2x Mythical manor, 4x Legendary lodge, Celestial Golden orrery, 3x Viceroy's villa, 8x Buccaneer's Bay, 2x Sunhaven Palace, 2x Aegean Couples resort, Azure Athlon Abbey, 2x Thundering Laboratory of monstrosities, Sinister Laboratory of monstrosities, Tower of Champions lvl.1, Royal tower of champions lvl.1, Wyverntide spire of victory lvl.1, 2x Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid, 2x Tower of whispering horrors, 6x Feta farm, Vibrant Autumn Vineyard, Wisteria windmill, Capy's winter holiday spa, Mystic celtic towern, Enchanted Celtic tavern, Crimson dragon’s breath, Serene Flamingo paradise, Apothecary of the highlands lvl.1, Celestial stage of ages, Urban Metro Plaza, 5x Cartographer’s house, 2x Neo collossus lvl.9, 2x Glimmdrake tower lvl.1, Sun temple lvl.8, 2x Arcane tarot card caravans, Phantom abandoned asylum, Eerie thrill coaster lvl.8
    Inventory: Dragon’s breath lvl.6, 2x Sailmaker’s studio, Celtic Farmstead lvl.8, 5x Terrace farm lvl.2, 2x Statue of Honor lvl.8, 3x Fiore village lvl.10, Pergola lvl.10, 5x Terrace farm lvl.1, 2x Terrace farm lvl.2, 149x One up kit, 86x Reno kit, 11x Spoils of war sel.kit, 8x Winter wonderland sel.kit, Last province, Summerhold mannor lvl.6, 8x Trading post sel. kit , 5x Iridescent garden, 7x Road to victory, 7x Fountain of youth, 20x Rogue hideout, 40 X Ritual flame, 23x Wishing well, 6x Stage of ages sel.kit, 12x Diplomatic gifts sel.kit, Harvest squirrel hall lvl.8, 8x Mediterranean memorries sel.kit, Viceroys villa upgrade kit, 8x Pagan harvest sel.kit, 9x druid hut sel.kit, 25x Cider garden, 18x Feta farm, 3x Golden goal gyros, Metro station lvl.10, Vibrant Sunflower Oil Press, 2x Sunhaven palace, 5x Jolly oink pigsty, Ascendant grove sanctuary lvl.4, 3x Jokers malevolent spin, 14x Abandoned Asylum sel.kit, Vibrant Autumn vineyard , Celtic tavern lvl.5, Chocolatery lvl.6, Glimdrake riders sel.kit, 10x Heroes tavern sel.kit, Neo collossus lvl.6, Sylvan whisperwood watermill, 4x Forgotten temple Active, 7x Donkey enclosure, 6x jumpin pumpkin, 4x Monsterwares terror boutique, Orchard of orabge dreams, 3x Royal carriage, 10x Tourney grounds active, many other kits and goodies.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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