Sold Force Master HM 13 WL BD and more

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by isedera, 3/25/17.

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  1. isedera

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    Selling Prem 9 Account with 5 Char slots
    because I no longer have the time to play the game and have also lost interest.
    I am the original owner of the account.
    I want to put this account into use by someone else instead of just let it sit and rot.

    I am asking for $700 via Paypal.

    Due to the fact that I have been scammed once I will only be able to give you the account after I have received the paypal transaction from you.
    Do not hesitate to ask for any questions.

    1. Force Master(FM) HM13 (Mushin)
    Race: Yun
    Attack Power: 851 with 6 AP gems + Soul Shield + DT 300 Run Achivement
    Skills: Obtained all HM Secret Techniques
    Weapon: Baleful Stage 10
    Accessories: Oath Necklace Stage10, Destiny Ring Stage10, Eternity Belt Stage 10, Acrimor Earring Stage 10, Pinnacle Bracelet
    Soul: Hongmoon Energy Stage 9
    Soulshield: PVE= Legendary MSP full Set + Oblivion 3 set
    PVP= Legendary 5 Set + Sparring 3 set
    Pet: Awaken Pet Stage 7

    2. Warlock(WL) HM7 (Mushin)
    Race: Jin
    Attack Power: 693 with 6 AP gems + Soul Shield
    Weapon: True Ivory 10
    Accessories: Oath Necklace Stage1, Eternity Belt Stage 1, Pinnacle Set
    Soul: Hongmoon Energy Stage 1
    Soulshield: Legendary MSP full Set

    3. Blade Dancer(BD) HM10 (Onymung)
    Race: Lyn
    Attack Power: 713 with 6 AP gems + Soul Shield
    Weapon: True Ivory 10
    Accessories: Pinnacle Set
    Soul: Hongmoon Energy Stage 1
    Soulshield: Ebondrake 5 set + Oblivion 3 set

    4. Assassin HM 6 (Onmyung)
    Race: Jin
    Attack Power: 648
    Weapon: Awaken Ivory
    Accessories: Ivory + Pinnacle Set
    Soul: Hongmoon Energy Stage 1
    Soulshield: Asura and Be Ido set

    5. Summoner Lvl 27

    Extra Hongmoon Gems:
    BrilliantHepta Aquamarine
    Sparkling Hexa Diamond
    Sparkling Hexa Ruby
    Sparkling Hexa Peridot
    Sparkling Hexa Sapphire

    For more info
    Or reply or msg me
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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