For Sale Very Strong Seven Knights Asia (TOP 10 Arena)

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ExAmaterasu, 9/17/16.

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  1. ExAmaterasu

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    For sale top 10 Arena Seven Knights Asia
    Topaz 1k++
    ruby -
    account lv 59
    Rin 32
    Teo 42 (40 with extra 1 4star)
    Wukong 48 (40 with extra 4 4star)
    Ace 48 (40 with extra 4 4star)
    LuBu 46 (40 with extra 3 4star)
    Eiline 42 (40 with extra 1 4star)
    Dellons 40
    Rudy 36
    Rachel 34
    Kris 32
    Jave 32
    Spike 30
    and so many more heroes lvl 40
    Raid Hero Full lvl 40
    so many element selector 4star unlimited time inside inbox
    so many hero 4star selector unlimited time inside inbox
    2 hero 6star selector unlimited time inside inbox
    2 armor raid selector unlimited time inside inbox
    always top 50 every week (500ruby 50topaz)
    easy to climb to TOP 10 (Last Week at rank 8, NOW 11 and still climbing)
    Accesories 6star = stun, blind, HP, Lethal, Def, Cri Rate, Damage, and Life Drain
    A lot of accesories 5star
    arena item full speed 27% and also max option armor
    a lot of raid item max option at inventory
    weapon awakened 9 (6 swords, 3 balls)
    if you interest just mail me in game!!
    In Game Name : LordNiQ
    or add my line Nickysenjaya14
    i speak english / Indonesia
    Thank You playerup
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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