Sold FOR SALE In kingdom 18 Power 41 mil. Troops...

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lianne Jackson, 6/12/14.

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  1. Lianne Jackson

    Lianne Jackson
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    FOR SALE In kingdom 18 Power 41 mil. Troops 940k Hero lvl 50 Lvl 21 SH, hospital, forge, HOW, Embassy, Gymnos, Barracks. Ore specialised Altar lvl 13, prison lvl 16 in progress Lots of gems and items and resources (not counting them) ⏰⏰Speed Ups. 4484 x 15 mins. 4066 x 60 mins. 143 x 3 hour. 98 x 8 hour. 3 x 30 days 180k - 200k gold left in account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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