*+*+*+*+*+*+*+FULLY VERIFIED SELLER+*+*+*+*+*+*+* INSTANT DELIVERY THROUGH PLAYERUP MIDDLEMAN PAYPAL ACCEPTED lvl 82 MAX CHARACTERs+EVERY CHARACTER INGAME OVER 300+6STAR INCLUDING LEGENDARYS MAX RUNES OPTIONS LVL 70+ GEAR Please Note every max character and none max has nearly every costume even 3 star characters IN TOP GUILD FINISHED 3RD ON RIFT BEST TIME, AUTO EVERYTHING INGAME AND PVP TEAMS ALREADY SETUP CONNECTED WITH HIVE ACCOUNT FOR EASY TRANSFER AND ACCOUNT SECURITY. ACCOUNT HAS LATEST CROSSOVER CHARACTERS + 4MILL GOLD+CRYSTALS 276 +DAILYS to view pics please >>>>> clickhere <<<<< WILL KEEP DOING DAILEYS GETTING SUMMONS AND CRYSTALS UNTILL SOLD i no longer play it other than doing dailys as stated as ive moved on to mmo's and fortnite trade can be done only if you have fortnite account on europe or america with 100+ skins vbucks and season pass. price is $160 but i am open to offers and who ever has this account will be very lucky