For Sale 7k ID mid high tier Rp750,000 - Surabaya, Indonesia Arena always Master. Raid auto 1200k-1500k. Castle rush normal auto 3000k-5000k depend on the day. Mastery and formation max. Special Hero 40: Ace, Wukong, Lubu, Kris, Spike 38: Rudy, Dellon 36: Teo 34: Rin, Karma, Ellin 30: Jave, Rachel Many 40 heroes, evan 40 awaken. Arena, raid, and castle rush heroes are well built, Arena heroes with awaken equipment. Lucky account, special heroes mostly from daily or random 3-6, or s rank chest. Log in netmarble ONLY!! For more info just check my IGN: DM一SoRA Or pm me.