Hi guys I am Selling GG LS x5 130$ each Vadercc 4/7 sk40 300$ Sid X 3 80$ each Scp evo1 sk40 160$ Send me Offers Pm or app line crisvond Thanks guys To complete a deal: 1) contact me for a purchase. I'll give you my PayPal email and my SWFC ID-No. 2) I’ll send the trade - so you can make sure that I have got the cards. 3) Go to PayPal. Select the tab "Send Money." 4) Enter my PayPal Email address. 5) Enter the amount for your purchase. 6) Select the option "I'm sending money to: Family or Friends." 7) Enter the comment: "I am sending <enter amount> for a virtual item. I understand that this transaction is non-refundable/non-returnable." 8) Message me when you have sent the money and then accept the trade request with a 1* card. 9) I'll check my PayPal to confirm the payment. 10) I'll finally accept the trade after payment has been received. http://www.playerup.com/threads/clear.gif Reply http://www.playerup.com/threads/clear.gif Reply With Quote http://www.playerup.com/threads/images/styles/DarkCore/buttons/multiquote_40b.png Yesterday 10:18 PM# ADS