Selling  FOE - Tomorrow US server account for sale

Discussion in 'Forge of Empires Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by porkihead, 9/14/18.

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  1. porkihead

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    Server: US
    World: Sinerania
    Age: Tomorrow
    Coins: 78K
    Supplies: 26K
    Medals: 72K
    Diamonds: 1,8K
    Tavern Silver: 92K

    Global Player Rank: 2023 (2,171,362)
    Average Daily forge points income: ~ 50 fp
    Total attack bonus: 93%
    Defence: 76%
    Guild: The Dragon Fire Clan (31lvl) - Global Rank 57

    Great buildings:
    1. Observatory - 7 lvl
    2. Saint Basils Cathedral - 7 lvl
    3. Atomium - 5 lvl
    4. Lighthouse of Alexandria - 7 lvl
    5. Frauenkirche of Dresden - 5 lvl
    6. Royal Albert Hall - 5 lvl
    7. Statue of Zeus - 10 lvl
    8. Cape Canaveral - 8 lvl
    9. Capitol - 5 lvl
    10. Castel del Monte - 7 lvl
    11. Cathedral of Aachen - 8 lvl
    Almost all parts for not build great buildings are 100% collected

    Event buildings:
    1. Lualu (Progressive era)
    2. King statue (Modern era)
    3. Queen statue (Modern era)
    4. Ancient Graveyard (Contemporary era)
    5. Renaissance villa (Progressive era)
    6. Wishing Well
    7. Grandstand (Tommorow)
    8. Pole house (Industrial Age)
    9. Soccer Field (Progressive era)
    10. One-Story Pagoda (Modern era)
    11. Elephant Fountain gate (Postmodern era)
    12. Wishing well
    13. Sakura Rock (Modern era)
    14. Zen Zone (Modern era)
    15. Nishikigol Pond (Modern era)
    16. Shrine of Awe (Industrial Age)
    17. Shrine of Inspiration (High Middle Ages)
    18. Athlete Living Quarters (Contemporary era)
    19. Shrine of Inspiration (Contemporary era)
    20. Western Palace Tower (Postmodern Era)
    21. The Lords Manor (Modern Era)
    22. Sundial Spire (Postmodern era)
    23. Oasis (Modern era)
    24. Checkmate Square (Modern era)
    25. Royal Cascade (Contemporary era)
    26. Hall of Fame (Contemporary era)
    27. Pillar of Heroes (Tomorrow)
    28. Hedge Maze (Tomorrow)
    29. Shrine of Inspiration (Contemporary era)
    30. Pole House (Modern era)
    31. Pole House (Postmodern era)
    32. Grand Bridge (Tomorrow)
    33. Shrine of Inspiration (Contemporary era)
    34. Haunted House (Contemporary era)
    35. Monastery (Early Middle Ages)

    Goods buildings:
    1. Tree Nursery (Postmodern era)
    2. Fertilizer Plant (Industrial age)
    3. Food Processing Plant (Modern era)
    4. Explosive Factory (Progressive era)
    5. Papercrete Factory (Tomorrow)
    6. Magnet Factory (Contemporary era)

    Production buildings:

    1. Cider Mill (Postmodern era)
    2. Drone Factory (Tomorrow)
    3. Private Security Company (Tomorrow)

    Military buildings:

    1. Microwave Blaster Factory (Tomorrow)
    2. Stealth Tank Factory (Tomorrow)
    3. Anti-Material Range (Tomorrow)
    4. Combate Drone Base (Tomorrow)
    5. Ultra AP Factory (Tomorrow)

    1. 10% coin boost - x12
    2. 10% su[ply boost - x9
    3. Self-Aid Kit - x73
    4. Shrine of Knowledge - x2
    5. 8h Mass Coin Rush - x1
    6. Boost Crate - x3
    7. 5m Mass Supply Rush - x2
    8. 30m Mass Supply Rush - x1
    9. 50% Coin Boost - x3
    10. Mass Self-Aid Kit - x1
    11. Open Up Kit - x1
    12. Renovation Kit - x1
    13. Stor building - x4
    14. 5% Attacker Boost - x1
    15. 10% Defender boost - x1
    16. 20% Defender Boost - x1
    17. 30% Defender Boost - x1

    A lot of different event and other buildings and upgrades in the inventory (please see screenshots)

    Second city is in Industrial Age (Yorkton)




    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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