International server Dinegu. 33M point, 2100 diamond, 400m gold 550 suppl. Thousands of every age all material. Attack 400% bonus 160% def 6k rogue , hundreds of artic, thousands of future units 15 TF, more than 30 SoK, 20 WW Max lvl : crow, coloss, ygdrasil, 2 pirateship, alysium, winter train, worldfair, firepagoda, winter tower. Arc 82 cape 70 Traz 64 Terracotta 61 Cdm 46 HC 38 Inno 27 Frontenac 20 Dinamic 13 Archeni, zeus, AO, ToR 11 Babel, alexandria 10 Kraken, haiga sofia, obs 7