Selling   High End  Original Owner (Yes) FOE 4 worlds ranked 59 in en10. offers considered

Discussion in 'Forge of Empires Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by LBT Brian, 9/12/21.

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  1. LBT Brian

    LBT Brian
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    My Location:
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    Selling my FOE Account. My main world is Korch en10. I am ranked 59 and currently have a total of 435,778,223 points.
    I have played daily for 6 years and have spent plenty of dollars too. Currently have around 4000 diamonds, 54000 forge points in total once all investments come back, currently I have 43000 fps in the bank. 24G in coins and 435 million supplies.
    I have completed all of the tech tree and have finished SAV techs.
    Please check out my pictures that i have uploaded.
    i have currently 17 000 rogues
    a healthy army
    healthy goods
    and all of this I havent even mentioned the other worlds
    I dont have time to play as much as I have so i would like this to go to someone who will take advantage of the 6 years of work I have put into this game.

    Please contact me if you have any questions, happy to supply screenshots

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