Selling My 283 Days Old Legit Account Created in Dec. 2020. log in issue or cannot be # by hackers using the old log in glitch. The Account consists of 46 Diamonds and 69 Golds with; -70K Souls -149M Koins -17FX and 29 almost maxed out Diamonds Cards. - 69 FX Gold Characters . -4 brutality sets(Rains',Kitanas',Tsang Tsung's and Reptile's). -All 4 Edenian Epic Tower Equipments with Higher Fusion and other Epic cards. -All Fully Maxed Out Edenian Rare and Uncommon Equipments -All legacy rare Equipments in FX -Tons of level up cards(Diamond,Gold,silver,bronze) -All Support Cards in FX Beware of Scammers This account is for limited time only . Interested buyers may contact me for more information. The price is #. Hurry up! Please see actual photos of the account that are being attached