Sold Flawless conqueror high dps account.all trial skins. Beta account + morrowind.

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Stevyyy, 7/10/17.

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  1. Stevyyy

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    Hey guys.

    Selling my account.

    Fully maxed out DK and Sorc with Best gear and weapons. I also have a fully leveled Nightblade but didnt play it much.

    Account has 3 characters.

    CP 690++

    Account has 1.9million gold on Sorc + 695K gold on DK = TOTAL 2.6 Million Gold on account (you can buy anything you want)

    Has all vMA loot plus all the best trial loot in the game.

    All trial titles including FLAWLESS CONQUEROR.

    Has veteran Halls of Fabrication morrowind trial skin (less than 100 players have this skin currently) and Dro Mathra Skin

    All skill trees are maxed on both DK and Sorc.

    Both DK and Sorc are fully geared with gold gear and weapons. DOing over 40k DPS

    You can run the most difficult content in the game including vMA which I have been ranked 1st in the past. Can finish vMA in 35-40 min.

    Account has been here since beta and includes RARE MONKEY PET.

    Mounts include Cave Bear, Dwemer spider, and Black Lion Senche (only was sold once)

    Not really big on crafting so if you are a crafter this account isnt for you, although my DK has all the skill trees leveled up to max.

    This account is intended for people who primarily play DPS and want an account that allows them to do all the most difficult PvE content in the game.

    This account has all the best PvE gear for MAGICKA DPS. I also have stamina DPS gear in my bank but note that all my toons are magicka based.

    The account is stacked with materials, soul gems, potion, food, etc.

    Account includes Morrowind and 1 month subscription to ESO PLUS.

    Too much to type out here, so if you are interested please skype me: @Akeeezy

    I can provide more screenshots and details in skype.

    Asking Price: $1,000 USD. (Not firm, open to negotiation within reason)

    SKYPE: Akeeezy










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