FIXES FOR DI5CORD Injector and steps thru text maybe more Clear ;)

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DimitriBlyat, 5/17/17.

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  1. DimitriBlyat

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    Now Couple of days ago a user that goes by flowwwwww and crementar(OG of Henti Multihack menu) Found that you can playerup with DI5CORD but some people complain after I found out how to use it found how to fix the issue so just follow the same steps down bellow.

    step 1
    Download any cheat DLL.
    Step 2
    Run DI5CORD go to settings>overlay and choose the bind key plus after that make sure its ticked off dont keep it on.
    Step 3
    Completely Quit DI5CORD
    Step 4
    Win Key + R to open run and type in %appdata% then go to roaming then to DI5CORD 0.0.297 click on modules then to overlay then to File named "1".
    Step 5
    Move the file overlay.x86.dll to you're desktop keep it there put in the cheat.dll and rename to overlay.x86.dll it in the file "1"
    Step 6
    Run csgo
    Step 7
    If DI5CORD crashed then the Cheat is injected succesfully the hotkey is pointless on DI5CORD its set to insert for the cheat menu.

    Enjoy 1 taps boys
    And yes this method will work for CSGO warzone or any cracked csgo
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