Selling      Fiverr Account - 2019, 2700+ (1.6k Reviews) Orders Completed (4.9 Star Rating) - Earned $100,000+

Discussion in 'Fiverr Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by shareelkhan, 2/28/25 at 3:28 PM.

  1. shareelkhan

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    Established Graphic Design Fiverr Account for Sale - A Proven Cash Cow!

    I'm selling my established and highly successful Fiverr account, specializing in graphic design services.

    Account Details:

    - Niche: Graphic Design (logos, brochures, business cards, infographics, and more)
    - Account Age: 8-9 years old
    - Rating: 4.9
    - Reviews: 1600+
    - Gig Rankings: Consistently ranked high in search results
    - Earnings: Average monthly earnings of 2000$ -3000$+

    Why Am I Selling?

    I'm transitioning to a new business sector and can no longer dedicate time to maintain and grow this account.

    What's Included:

    - Fiverr account with all associated gigs and reviews
    - Access to account email and communication history
    - Transfer of account ownership and assistance with the transition process

    Asking Price: 50,000$

    Account Details:

    Level 2
    Account created: 2017-18
    Reviews: 1600+ (4.9k rating on gig)
    Total Earnings: $100,000+
    Average selling price: $55.99
    Fiverr Ads Activated
    Profession Option
    Portfolio feature
    Seller Plus Activated

    Attached Files:
