Sold First come first serve.6.2 bill+

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sparky1979, 12/6/16.

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  1. sparky1979

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    Hi New buyer.

    I have very little time to play further as i have family committments.
    I have spent quitealot of money on packs and will explain basically what this account has.
    The coolest thing is that im leaving the next player enough rss and gold to do a lot of building and troops and research.

    110 allience points,u can buy anything for a long time with those points.
    130 bil food
    140 bil oil
    148 bil stone
    158 bil steel
    168 bil coin

    i have over 102 mil troops 90% of them is t4 and t4 advanced.(no one will solo you and a rally would be a long strory ,hehe

    i have alot of unused gear ,mods,prototypes,speed ups,insignias and extras.special boosts etc.

    comander lvl 62
    vip lvl 97
    most buildings are lvl 22 and i have a couple of hospitals:)
    5 mil gold
    I have so much gear i have no space in my commander items,its in store al of the rest of them.

    Im busy growing it as i can get on but cannot be on all the time.

    I am only asking N$180 us dollars or closest offer.It is really a deal coz im involved with most rallies and cp coz i have so many troops.

    The price is only so low for now till i change my mind as it is worth atleast400-500.

    Im in aras state 152 and in second most powerful alliences.

    contact me
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