Selling  High End  Final Fantasy Xv, 38m power. T4 troops

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Niclas Ivarsson, 12/21/17.

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  1. Niclas Ivarsson

    Niclas Ivarsson
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    Hi! Selling my Final fantasy account because i dont have the time to play anymore! I'm a respectfull member of the strongest guild in Shrouded Refuge. All t4 troops unlocked. Atm there are almost 500k of them. 5m troops overall. The guild has many of the realms strongest players. But we are still at war with other guilds so action will happen. Citadel lvl30. Got alot of rss and 400k gold. Amazing account! Got 2 lvl 17 farms that will be included in the prize. They produce a good amount of t1 and t2 rss!
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