***Please Read!!!*** 1.) I need your Facebook. Account connected to your Jurassic World: The Game Account. 2.) DO NOT press the "Buy Now" button if you have not written me a message beforehand. I am not responsible for any orders which were made without our first conversation on playerup. 3.) Once you wrote me a message on playerup you will choose between a Middleman Transaction on Playerup or you send me the money directly to my paypal. The Paypal option is much faster and you will also get a "5 Legendary Dinosaur" Bonus if you choose the paypal option. 4.) Make sure your park is already at least level 5! Content: Fillup Package Ressources 1: 99'999'999 Dna, Food, Coins + 99'999'999 Dollars and 99'999'999 JW Points How to contact me: Discord: AnomalyTraveler#0919 Whatsapp: +41792685147 Email: [email protected]