Sold    FIFA 21 PS4 account 900k coins

Discussion in 'FIFA Ultimate Team Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Kulujo, 11/20/20.

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  1. Kulujo

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    I have a PS4 FIFA 21 Ultimate team account for sale with 908k coins and a fair amount of players from SBC's and objectives.

    Web app works but the transfer market isn't open yet. The transfer market on the console is fully working though. I'll give the email address associated with the PSN account and it's the same one used for web access.

    There are 242 games played on rivals, squad battles and FUT champs, and another 77 wins in friendly games as well so a lot of grinding has been done on the account.

    The FUT champs weekend league has been qualified for as well. 2000 points are waiting to be redeemed. I haven't played this week but did the last few weeks so there are some decent red picks. The stand out is probably the 85 second IF Lozano.

    The second season on ultimate team starts today so it's a good time to jump into the account. Any questions leave them on here.

    I have two previous accounts sell on FIFA 20 both with positive feedback.

    Happy to go through the middleman service here.

    players team 1.jpg players bench 1.jpg players team 2.jpg bench team 2.jpg

    new coin balance.jpg
    #1 Kulujo, 11/20/20
    Last edited: 11/20/20
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  2. OP

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    UPDATED completed the 3 MLS foundations players and Prem 85 Bellerin

    FIFA 21 FUT Hub (In Menus).jpg
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