Selling  PS4  2020 or Newer  Average FIFA 21 ACCOUNT. Condition is "New". Dispatched with Royal Mail 1st Class Large Letter.

Discussion in 'FIFA Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by olik, 6/19/21.

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  1. olik

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    FIFA 21 ACCOUNT. Condition is "New". Dispatched with Royal Mail 1st Class Large Letter.

    Full PLAYSTATION FIFA account with over £13 million coins worth of players. However the transfer market is banned so for more info message me. It includes over 6000 consumables and includes a spare 380k coins on the account. HOWEVER AGAIN THE TRANSFER MARKET IS BANNED SO MESSAGE ME FOR MORE INFORMATION. The account also comes with GTA V with £9,000,000 worth of stuff.

    PACKED TOTY RAMOS tradeable however the transfer market is banned.

    The team is now and endgame team so the price will still say the same

    It also includes the full PSN account that’s why the price is a bit steep. It comes with the whole fifa 21 game plus 1 year of PlayStation plus

    Need any more information, feel free to contact me. Make sure you contact me on discord only.

    Discord - mikr#5218

    Thank you and hopefully this account is for you.
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