Selling Fiesta Account (A Lot of stuff)

Discussion in 'Fiesta Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kouz, 5/19/16.

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  1. Kouz

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    Hey guys, selling my fiesta account with a lot of stuff.

    105 Glad, 100 Ranger, 78 Mage, 71 Archer, 50 Fighter, 12 Trickster. All loaded with stuff.
    I have over 2 pages of SC stuff including 4 tough cookie packs, a T5 Binding Resin, T5 bundle, 7 1 Day Rants, ~12 30day fashion pieces various, DB Blade, NB Blade, NB Wand, NB Xbow, 2 Comback boxes, 20% charms, 3 Wedding apps, 1 tycoon, repair hammer 25k, 2 small boxes, rations, 2 mini houses, furniture, beauty shop coupon, and a few others.
    105 Glad- +11 LH Axe 7xEnd/Dex Comp Lic 1 socket, +9 Hg shield, +9 jewels, +9/10 Gear DB 1h skin, +3 mount, and 15G

    100 Ranger- +3 mount, basically gearless, various stones/gears in reward inventory

    78 Mage- +9 CTE, +3 Mount, basic gear, 1 stack of 50% charms, Permanent Hellway guitar

    71 Archer- +3 Mount, DB Bow skin, NB Bow skin, gearless

    50 Fighter- Gearless, +3 Mount, +11 Hatch Wand decent stats, +11 GBK Staff, various equipment

    12 Trickster- NB Claws, NB Dual Swords

    email me at [email protected] with any questions
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