So yesterday I SE'ed Blazes and Surges to 8+ Different addresses. After that 8th SE I tried to SE again and failed 3 times so I was like love you this am off to bed. When I woke up I SE'ed 1 surge and 1 Blaze using VPN , It went well I was like love you YEAH!. Then someone asked me to SE 1 Blaze and 1 Surge and both SE Failed ( I didn't use VPN). So I was like what the love you! And I received an email from one of my orders saying [ The color and Size I want is out of stock and I need to chose a different one]. So I reply to the email saying ' I want black - small and same address please'. About an hour later I got this email: Basically what the email said was that - They know that I've SE'ed 8+ Products to different address internationally. I was love you scared, and read this message over and over again for about 10 Minuit's , thinking to myself ' How the love you did they find out?' 'Why would FitBit track my IP? isn't that invading my privacy'. It was my dumb fault for not using VPN because I was too Lazy to turn it on. Hopefully they don't love you me over and send me a HUGE BILL guys! And if you're reading this I recommend you guys to use VPN! If you have a story or any similar story please post it, I would love to hear it! Thanks for reading my little story. Please leave a THANK , I may be writing more SE'ing Experiences.