Account for Sale
Main Character Information
Level 24 Red Mage Hume Male on Quetzalcoatl
Account Information
Rank: 2
Conquest Points:
Passes and Keys:
Missions Completed:
Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 4 - Good Full Gear - Average to Good
Describe All Jobs Equipment:
Your Characters Server: Quetzalcoatl
Your Characters Level: 24
Your Characters Job: Red Mage
Main Hand:
Secondary Hand:
Ear 1:
Ear 2:
Finger 1:
Finger 2:
Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning:
Your Characters Server:
Your Characters Level:
Your Characters Job:
Main Hand:
Secondary Hand:
Ear 1:
Ear 2:
Finger 1:
Finger 2:
Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning:
Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
All Subjobs Unlocked?: No
Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
Version of Final Fantasy XI: XBOX 360 - Any Version
World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:
Additional Information
Total Gil
Account for Sale
Main Character Information
Level 75 Red Mage Hume Male on Quetzalcoatl
Account Information
Rank: 10
AF: 5
Conquest Points: 600,000
Passes and Keys: kazham keys, sky access, sea access, moongate pass, salvage, limbus
Missions Completed: Zilart complete COP complete Nyzul Isle Complete ToAU Complete Apoc Nigh Complete
Crystals: all crystals
Summons: carbuncle ramuh shiva odin ifrit leviathan garuda titan alexander fenrir diabolos
Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Amazing Gear, Great.
Describe All Jobs Equipment:
Your Characters Server: Quetzalcoatl
Your Characters Level: 75
Your Characters Job: Red Mage
Main Hand: HQ wind, light, dark, ice, thunder staffs
Secondary Hand: Bugard Strap +1
Head: Duelist Chapeau +1
Neck: Enfeebling Torque
Ear 1: Loquacious Earring
Ear 2: Communion Earring +1
Chest: Crimson Scale Mail
Hands: Zenith Mitts
Finger 1: Omega Ring
Finger 2: Snow Ring
Back: Prism Cape
Waist: Penitents Rope
L: Morrigans Slops
Feet: Morrigans Pigaches
Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Maat's Cap Hachiryu Haidate Hachiryu Sune-Ate Mercurial Kris Gigant Mantle Haubergeon +1 Hagun
Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
All Subjobs Unlocked?: Yes
Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Bard
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Beastmaster
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Black Mage
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Blue Mage
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Corsair
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Dragoon
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Monk
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Ninja
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Paladin
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Ranger
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Samurai
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Summoner
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Thief
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Warrior
Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
Version of Final Fantasy XI: PS2 - Any Version
World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:
Additional Information
Total Gil
Account for Sale
Main Character Information
Level 75 Red Mage Hume Male on Quetzalcoatl
Account Information
Rank: 10
AF: 5
Conquest Points: 600,000
Passes and Keys: kazham keys, sky access, sea access, moongate pass, salvage, limbus
Missions Completed: Zilart complete COP complete Nyzul Isle Complete ToAU Complete Apoc Nigh Complete
Crystals: all crystals
Summons: carbuncle ramuh shiva odin ifrit leviathan garuda titan alexander fenrir diabolos
Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Amazing Gear, Great.
Describe All Jobs Equipment:
Your Characters Server: Quetzalcoatl
Your Characters Level: 75
Your Characters Job: Red Mage
Main Hand: HQ wind, light, dark, ice, thunder staffs
Secondary Hand: Bugard Strap +1
Head: Duelist Chapeau +1
Neck: Enfeebling Torque
Ear 1: Loquacious Earring
Ear 2: Communion Earring +1
Chest: Crimson Scale Mail
Hands: Zenith Mitts
Finger 1: Omega Ring
Finger 2: Snow Ring
Back: Prism Cape
Waist: Penitents Rope
L: Morrigans Slops
Feet: Morrigans Pigaches
Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Maat's Cap Hachiryu Haidate Hachiryu Sune-Ate Mercurial Kris Gigant Mantle Haubergeon +1 Hagun
Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
All Subjobs Unlocked?: Yes
Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Bard
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Beastmaster
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Black Mage
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Blue Mage
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Corsair
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Dragoon
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Monk
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Ninja
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Paladin
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Ranger
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Samurai
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Summoner
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Thief
Subjob Level: 75
Characters Subjob: Warrior
Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
Version of Final Fantasy XI: PS2 - Any Version
World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:
Additional Information
Total Gil
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