FF11 Buy Account, FFXI Selling Buy Account, FFXI Character

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FFXI, 10/24/13.

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  1. FFXI

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Paladin Hume Male on Asura

    Account Information
    Rank: 10
    AF: 6
    Conquest Points: 50578
    Passes and Keys: All
    Missions Completed: Alot
    Crystals: All
    Summons: Carbuncle, Fenrir, Ifrit, Shiva, Garuda, Leviathan, Titan, Ramuh
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 2 - Partially Geared - Some Gear
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Your Characters Server: Asura
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Bard
    Main Hand:
    Secondary Hand:
    Ear 1:
    Ear 2:
    Finger 1:
    Finger 2:
    L: Choral cannions
    Feet: Choral Slippers
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Wind Instrument Merited 8/8 Minuet Merited 5/5 Lullaby Merited 5/5
    Your Characters Server: Asura
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Paladin
    Main Hand:
    Secondary Hand:
    Head: Gallant Coronet
    Neck: Parade Gorget
    Ear 1:
    Ear 2:
    Chest: Gallant Surcoat
    Hands: Gallant Guantlets
    Finger 1:
    Finger 2:
    L: Gallant Breeches
    Feet: Gallant Leggings
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Full AF + Parade Gorget
    Your Characters Server: Asura
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Red Mage
    Main Hand:
    Secondary Hand:
    Head: Warlock's Chapeau
    Ear 1: Moldavite Earring
    Ear 2:
    Chest: Warlock's Tabard
    Hands: Warlock's Gloves
    Finger 1:
    Finger 2:
    Waist: Hierarch Belt
    L: Warlock's Tights
    Feet: Warlock's Boot's
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: Yes
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Bard
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 65
    Characters Subjob: Samurai
    Subjob Level: 50
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 50
    Characters Subjob: Dragoon
    Subjob Level: 46
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 41
    Characters Subjob: White Mage
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Ranger
    Subjob Level: 37
    Characters Subjob: Black Mage
    Subjob Level: 30
    Characters Subjob: Summoner
    Subjob Level: 30
    Characters Subjob: Blue Mage
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Treasures of Aht Urhgan
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: PC - USA Version
    World Transferable: No - Not Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?: Three months

    Additional Information
    This Account has Loads of Rare/Ex Gear!(Including : Empress Hairpin - Ochimusha Kote - Bounding Boots & More!) All the avatars but 1 and also has 3 Lv.75 Jobs ~ Not to mention 65 Sam 50 Nin - 50 Dragoon - 46 War - 41 Whm - 37 Ranger - 37 Black mage - 30 Blue mage & 30 Summoner ~ It's also comes with over 120+ Merits!

    Total Gil

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Paladin Hume Male on Asura

    Account Information
    Rank: 10
    AF: 6
    Conquest Points: 16191
    Passes and Keys: all
    Missions Completed: ZM, COP, TOA, ACP, Bastok
    Crystals: all
    Summons: all
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 6 - Best Gear Possible
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Your Characters Server: Asura
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Paladin
    Main Hand: joyeuse
    Secondary Hand: aegis
    Head: Bahamut mask, Walahra turban
    Neck: Ritter gorget, Parade gorget
    Ear 1: Ethereal earring
    Ear 2: Cassie Earring
    Chest: Ares
    Hands: Homam Manopolas, Askar Manopolas
    Finger 1: Hercules' ring
    Finger 2: Sattva Ring, Jelly ring
    Back: Boxer
    Waist: Swift belt
    L: Homam cosciales, Crimson Cuisses
    Feet: Askar Gambieras, Gallant leggings +1
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: shadow mantle
    Your Characters Server: Asura
    Your Characters Level: 75
    Your Characters Job: Corsair
    Main Hand: Joyeuse, Fire Staff
    Secondary Hand: Silver Cassandra gun
    Head: Commodore Tricorne, Corsair tricorne +1
    Neck: Qiqirn Collar
    Ear 1: Vision Earring, Drone Earring
    Ear 2: Moldavite Earring, Drone Earring
    Chest: Mirke Wardecors, Commodore Frac
    Hands: Denali Wristbands
    Finger 1: Merman
    Finger 2: Jalzahn Ring
    Back: Amemet mantle +1
    Waist: Buccaneer
    L: Crimson Cuisses, Pahluwan Seraweels
    Feet: Pahluwan Crackows
    Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    Tradeskill: Alchemy
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Bonecrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Clothcrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Cooking
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Goldsmithing
    Tradeskill Level: 99
    Tradeskill: Leathcrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Smithing
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Woodworking
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    All Subjobs Unlocked?: Yes
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 60
    Characters Subjob: Ranger
    Subjob Level: 40
    Characters Subjob: Warrior
    Subjob Level: 40
    Characters Subjob: Ninja
    Subjob Level: 40
    Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: PS2 - Any Version
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information

    Total Gil

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Level 75 Paladin Hume Male on Asura

    Account Information
    Rank: 10
    AF: 6
    Conquest Points: 1000000
    Passes and Keys: 10
    Missions Completed: 30
    Crystals: 100
    Summons: All
    Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 6 - Best Gear Possible
    Describe All Jobs Equipment:
    Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50:
    Tradeskill: Smithing
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Leathcrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Goldsmithing
    Tradeskill Level: 100
    Tradeskill: Fishing
    Tradeskill Level: 100
    Tradeskill: Cooking
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Clothcrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Bonecrafting
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    Tradeskill: Alchemy
    Tradeskill Level: 60
    All Subjobs Unlocked?:
    Number of Subjobs over Level 30:
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Bard
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Beastmaster
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Black Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Blue Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Corsair
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Dancer
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Dark Knight
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Monk
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Paladin
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Puppetmaster
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Ranger
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Red Mage
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Samurai
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: Thief
    Subjob Level: 75
    Characters Subjob: White Mage
    Latest Expansion Enabled: Chains of Promathia
    Version of Final Fantasy XI: PS2 - Any Version
    World Transferable: Yes - Available Now
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:

    Additional Information

    Total Gil
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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