Sell FF Mobius NE Acc - SPlvl106/MPlvl87 with: Supreme Cards: Aertih, Fatal Flora, UB and Duncan. Supreme Heroes: Lightting, Cloud and Squall. Update Info 22/September/2019 Chapthers 1,2,3,4 5 Completed Chapthers 1,2 Hard mode Completed Exploration Zone 1,2,3 and 4 Completed Chaos Vortex 20 Stages Cleared Chapter 8 Almost done Story Digest Completed (still have things to do) - 800 Inventary / 1600 Bank (Watch images). 14 Mobius Box Active. Jobs and Items: Watch Images. Cards: Watch Images of some of them. It has many Fractals, It has some Growstars and more cards/materials. Make a good offer if: 1) You like this Account. 2) know of somebody that can need or want an good start account It´s better to someone that doesn't have to much time playing this game. Payout Method: $USD PayPal