Pending Feedback Remover Request

Discussion in 'Feedback - Open A Claim' started by Agedaccounts, 7/24/19.

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  1. Agedaccounts

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    How to Report a Feedback Dispute
    Please fill out all 6 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated.

    1. Date Dispute Happened
    Example: July 9th and 16th 2019

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller
    Example: I'm the Seller

    3. Total Transaction Value
    Example: $190 USD

    4. Other Members Username
    AP888 and Weird City
    5. Why Should The Feedback Be Removed

    Due to recent changes in Twitter rules, accounts were getting suspended for violating even the slightest rule. As a result some of the accounts I sold earlier this month got suspended. Most of my trusted regular buyers informed me and they got a replacement while others asked for a refund instead.

    Some buyers however went straight to open a dispute on paypal without contacting me first.

    User AP888 bought a $160 account through PayPal and then informed me two days later that he wants a refund. I told him that he should at least file an appeal as Twitter sometimes suspend innocent accounts mistakenly. I agreed to refund him only if Twitter refuses to unsuspend the account .

    But he opened a dispute on paypal almost immediately and left me a negative feedback here, tagging me a scammer. He has since gotten a full refund through PayPal and has refused to respond to my emails. Also he has been offline on site since the the day he dropped the negative feedback, making it impossible for me to contact him here either

    User Weird City purchased a $30 account through PayPal on the 7th of May, the transaction went smoothly. But I was surprised to notice that he left me a negative feedback on the 16th of july, claiming the account got suspended and tagging me a scammer.

    At first I thought he was one of those who bought an account recently so I messaged him to kindly remove the negative feedback and get a full refund. However when I realized that the transaction dated back to 7th of May, I offered a partial refund of $20 instead. But he refused and instead opened a dispute on paypal (which I won) He has since been dropping negative comments on my sales threads calling me a scammer.

    I am not a scammer and I didn't scam any if these buyers.

    I have included screenshots of chats with AP888 and Weird City. Also a screenshot of the full $160 refund to AP888 and another that shows the email I received from Twitter after they unsuspended one of my accounts which they claimed was mistakenly suspended.

    6. Provide All Chat Logs, Screenshots and Additional Information Below

    DA217F5E-3415-4141-BDEF-1327E7C55E38.png D6F3E8F4-F001-4B27-94DD-8F7D8A6521F9.jpeg DAA59F08-FC2C-4ED0-B1FF-9E89688E6F61.jpeg EC07B0B0-6315-408F-B97D-1EA5A5542FEA.jpeg A185EF73-C637-4E76-9BC5-3802EB37F4C0.jpeg 960B8830-238D-4A4F-B1E3-5DED824F5991.jpeg E2048F36-3A5F-48C5-99A5-B952A6BD8B4C.jpeg 6A7EA901-F177-45D5-A0D1-FC0DD3EC7625.png
  2. PlayerUp

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    Automated Helper Bot
    Bot Status (Automated): Handles automated general support inquiries

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Resolve Suspensions

    Automated Response

    What does it mean when my account has been suspended?
    Accounts that have been suspended are in violation of one or more of the following rules:
    • Behavior Disruptive
    • Feedback System Abused
    • Multiple Accounts
    • Reported Fraudulent by 2+ Members
    • Spammed Website Repeatedly

    What does it mean when my account has been banned?
    • Fraudulent
    • Spamming Mass Promoting

    How do I resolve this issue?
    • Wait for a moderator to review your account which can take time, OR
    • Submit a Support Ticket requesting your suspension removed. Provide us your username and the reason why you believe you were suspended.


    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.


    [trigger=by]For: DhopeAccounts Re: #1[/trigger]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. Weird City

    Weird City
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    I'm am vehemently disputing this request for feedback removal, seller admittined in PM that accounts he sold were getting suspended. My feedback follows all rules and guidelines
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  4. Weird City

    Weird City
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    In addition, my feedback does not label/tag Dhope Accounts a scammer it simply a negative experience with the account he sold which is 100% ok according to the rules. My feedback fits the following critereas

    • Didn't like the way the deal turned out
    • Problems after sale

    When seller sold accounts he listed other accounts, and all those accounts all got suspended. I did open a dispute but only because the seller offered a refund but told me he could not find my transaction so I opened a claim so he would see the transaction(something I told him about in our convo log that he has mysteriously omitted), seller escalated claim to a dispute himself when I told him I'd remove the claim. If the seller did not escalate to dispute, the claim would've expired. Seller is trying to play the victim.

    Finally, my account was suspended on July 3rd. The only reason it took so long to do feedback was that I was unsure why my account was suspended and I tried multiple times to appeal. When it became obvious that my account was unrecoverable I left my feedback.

    Seller is a liar and is not showing our full convo log. He makes me out to be someone who wanted a refund by any means when that was the furthest thing from the truth. He initiated a convo with me and offered me a refund.

    I dare seller to be transparent with what actually happened and stop making false narratives to fit his agenda. You told me accounts you sold were getting suspended in your first message, yet you are not transparent about that on your post. My feedback should be removed as it is valid.
    #3 Weird City, 7/24/19
    Last edited: 7/24/19
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  5. Weird City

    Weird City
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    *My feedback should not be removed
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  6. OP

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  7. Admin

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    It's a valid transaction though. He had a bad experience. You can request him to remove it.
  8. OP

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    @Admin I would like to have some of the screenshot i posted on this thread removed. They include some personal information related to my email and the buyers paypal details. These screenshots often show up on google search.
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