Sold FC8 S5XX, lots of saved mats, 25 transfer passes, open to offers

Discussion in 'Whiteout Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/croncakes2, 12/24/24.

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  1. /u/croncakes2

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    Hey y'all,

    Got an account on the low end of decent in the mid 500s. Not sure if I want to sell but am open to offers. Ready to transfer with 25+ passes, and I've got a lot of materials saved which gives you options in how you want to play/take the account moving forward. For example I currently have T11 infantry and have enough FC for t11 marksmen and lancers, or you can just save for FC10.

    Mostly just curious what y'all think it's worth (inb4 a firm handshake )

    # #/croncakes2
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