Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/eBoosting, 4/13/19.

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  1. /u/eBoosting

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    Welcome to eBoosting!

    I provide professional and punctual boosting on League of Legends for a very affordable price.

    I have been playing League of Legends since early season 4 almost religiously and have become quite knowledgeable at the game; now I would like to offer my expertise to you guys!

    I'm a diamond 1 player, peaking high Grandmasters.

    Message me for more for details about my personal ranked climb!

    In terms of climbing, I am consistently able to get to Diamond with extremely high win rates.

    Current Pricing:

    • Iron 4 - Bronze 4 $5 per tier

    • Bronze 4 - Silver 4: $10 per tier

    • Silver 4 - Gold 4: $15 per tier

    • Gold 4 - Plat 4: $25 per tier

    • Plat 4 - Diamond 4: $35 per tier

    Boosts going to the next tier (such as Gold 1 to Plat 4) is 25% increase in cost. Duo queue is 50% increase in cost, and is unavailable above plat.

    Email me if you are interested in Boosting, Coaching, VOD reviews at: [email protected]

    Also feel free to contact Discord: Mughees#8446

    Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions at: [email protected]

    Vouch link:

    # #/eBoosting
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