Selling  High End Farmville 2 account Level 290

Discussion in 'FarmVille 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ibifand, 7/4/21.

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  1. Ibifand

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    Too many coins to count. At the moment at level 288, but will sell at 290 (have 2 uplevel certificates). I bought many land plots for about USD 2,500.-, although some plots "in between" are still not cleared (see pictures). I have another farm on Zynga which is why I'm selling my "farmville2 Facebook. account", many friends and farmville neighbors so that every time I log in there are about 300 gifts sent. The prized animal barn is full with special animals and the normal animal barn also full.
    EVERY PLOT AND BUILDING ARE AT HIGHEST LEVEL, no more upgrading needed. Please contact me at [email protected] if you have questions. Selling for USD 1'300.-

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