Fame farming service

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by DestinyTime, 9/27/16.

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  1. DestinyTime

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    Hey guys... /aaron

    Im planning on doing a fame farming service and want to check if my prices are fine.

    5-starring a class (I provide equipment)- $10

    600 Dead fame - $3.5-$4
    500 alive fame - $6

    Bonus-packed 500 alive fame - $16 (this includes all the bonuses possible boots on ground, accuracy bonuses, friend of cubes, mundane, god bonuses, a 6/8 character, and etc. I'm charging 9$ for the 6/8 and 7$ for the fame farming with the bonuses)

    Wondering why prices are so high compared to the last fame farming service? NO MULTIBOXERS... honestly a lot of fame services had the use of multiboxers so they didin't have to cope with bad fame trains and etc. And yes bulk offers can apply.... If I got enough approval I'll put up a fame service or decrease the prices little more.
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