ineers: - ansient tomb sect - 59 - PBI - 44 - chaotic - 64 - bloody sabre - 36 -Purple rosy clouds - 9 merridians: - jianghu yin - 45 - jianghu yang - 45 - all sect merridians - 180 - ansient tomb sect - 180 gear - full jade c6 yin without Bracer , jade flute c6 full damage - + 2-nd Shinguard yin (20% on Green Shadows of a Maiden - scholars legs set) ansients\skills: - combo taichi - Shifting Stars lvl 3 form Joined Fingers - Heart buddha palm set - lvl 10 - Dragon Kung ** lvl 10 - Sura Blade - lvl 6 - Phantom Twin Daggers - lvl 10 - Victorious - lvl 6 - curled brunch set -lvl 10 - nine palace swords - lvl 10 - Shallow Kung ** - open 14 lvl - PBI Flute set - lvl 10 - Head Butt - lvl 6 - Winds of Fury - lvl 9-11 open lvl 11 - Western Fencing - lvl 7 - Perish Blade - lvl 4-6 - Dragon And Tiger Overlord Fist lvl 1-10 Lightness skills All max Secret weapon some skillsc Weapon Manuals - -Bare-Handed 1000\1000 -sword 1000\1000 -Double stings 543\1000 -twin sword 1000\1000 -hidden weapon 54\256 -blade 100\800 TREASRES Critical damage ruduced 14% Internal Attak critical hit damage 15% Dodge Rate 1% Critical damage ruduced 13% Internal Attak critical hit damage 16% Critical damage ruduced 12% Internal Attak critical hit damage 16% Critical damage ruduced 16% Internal Attak critical hit damage 13% Internal Attak critical hit damage 15% Internal Attak critical hit rate 3% Max HP 449 contact for offers - [email protected]