How to Report a Feedback Dispute Please fill out all 6 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated. 1. Date Dispute Happened Sep 11 2015,feedback left Sep 16 2015 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller Wasnt in trade 3. Total Transaction Value Nothing 4. Other Members Username @Trueprime 5. Why Should The Feedback Be Removed He claims im invovled i just gave recommendation please remove my feedback as well I was not invovled in @Trueprime trade i prove i'm not @Lava hounds and was not invovled in trade Everything is here Stole Money - Selling fraudulent account,@Slayer55555 and lava hounds | Page 4 | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. Please remove this false feedbacki have already blocked the user on k / i / k Please remove this @Admin
Hi @Admin ,and @Middleman I left this negative feedback for @Slayer55555 and @Lava hounds due to fact I bought this base @Slayer55555 was selling. Sold - [Trusted/Bronze] Max th10 defence and troops with 9 walls | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. that's base I bought,it seemed since she posted and said in thread she's selling as hers.When I was interested in buying the base,she gave me another person messenger to pay them saying they are trusted,his name is Luke Mansfield or on playerup @Lava hounds..I paid him and recently discovered he is Stole Money - Warning: Chase H Vaughan - Moss Point, Mississippi - Fraud Scam | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. in which has been banned on many accounts,before I bought base I'll prove in my screenshots I asked @Slayer55555 is he trusted and I want the base,she is also known as Lissy aka Slayer55555,she said yes Luke is trusted and base was connected to both them,so I decided to buy and sent payment.Base seemed safe,until day after when someone was in base still using it,cussing in clan the account was in,and activity.As well as attempt of login from unknown device in the gmail.I do not want a base where its in compromise, and therefore when I request for refund,was dealt with further rudeness.I put negative feedback on both, because I lost my money and feel both are responsible for this.If @Slayer55555 didn't have thread claiming base was hers,I would never bought account and if she didn't say Luke aka @Lava hounds wasnt trusted I would never bought account,or would of used @Middleman .That's reason why I post negative feedback.Also @Admin thank you for removing my negative feedback I continue to buy and sale on this site legit and outstanding.Let known @Slayer55555 not be making threads of bases that aren't her or making claim its hers,because her status she needs stay professional. That's what I have to say thank you