Sold Expert Level Account 3270 Trophies, 99+Mil Coins, 15+K Gems all Commons maxed, TH 6, APOC 4

Discussion in 'Golf Clash Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Nobbyc, 3/25/20.

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  1. Nobbyc

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    Had this account for a number of years now, and have spent way too much $$$ on ball packages etc.
    All Commons maxed so Daily Prism trade in always available.
    74 Packs of KingMakers, +28 Packs Titans, +4 Packs Ghost Balls, +4 Packs Spider Balls, +5 Packs Bunny Ball, +5 Packs Movie Ball, +3 Packs Beserker.
    Never been in Master, so expert only brackets in competitions.
    Name has been changed, so support will need to be contacted to change name.
    Secured with Facebook only (FB account only used for Golf Clash, so you will receive the credentials for FB to access account).

    Images of Clubs and balls here
    gc images - Google Drive

    Get a fast track GC account for the next tournament with some decent clubs and balls.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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