Exalted Legion Champion/Lack of Four-Sight Legion Token Bots (Cetera)

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hamrhed, 6/7/17.

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  1. hamrhed

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    I just recently got back into AQW (and botting) and realized I didn't have the Legion Doomknight class but I had the Exalted Legion Champion armor, so I decided to make a bot for it. In my experience the Lack of Four-Sight bot is a lot quicker. For the Exalted Legion Champion bot you need the armor by the same name, and for the Lack of Four-Sight bot you'll need to do the Legion questline.

    You might wanna turn on auto relogin for the lack of four-sight bot because it sometimes crashes. No idea why.
    (Sorry if these have already been posted, just thought I'd post them in case somebody wanted to use them)

    EDIT: If you're using the lack of four-sight bot you'll have to activate maximum skill range (so you don't accidently walk out and rejoin and activate the cutscene)

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